A long, long time ago I used to create art, but, I’ve not created anything in many years due to numerous reasons such as lack of self belief, work, child rearing, moving countries and other such non valid excuses :-) Below is a very small selection of things I did in the past. Before I moved back to the UK from Oz I threw most of my work in the local rubbish tip so only have a few pics of my work ….

Life drawing classes at Nyora Studio

Life drawing classes at Nyora Studio

20 min’s life drawing sketch

20 min’s life drawing sketch

Me doing life painting classes

Me doing life painting classes

40 min life painting

40 min life painting

10 min life drawing

10 min life drawing

5 minute life drawing sketch

30 min life painting done at Nyora studio. We painted and drew this guy a lot!

2 x 3 min quick sketches done at the famous Australian artist Godwin Bradbeer’s Life drawing workshop down in Mornington. We were taught how to do quick, simple and fast sketches. Was a great workshop!

20 min life drawing sketch

20 min life drawing sketch

15 min life drawing

15 min life drawing

A quick sketch of my daughter when she was 7, she was not too happy being asked to lay on my pattern making table down in my studio for 10 mins haha

30 min experimental life painting

30 min experimental life painting

Self portrait …. looking out over Tokyo

Self portrait …. looking out over Tokyo

Suburbia art project from Deakin Uni

Suburbia art project from Deakin Uni

Sugarloaf reservoir, Christmas Hills, Oz. The first painting I ever did before I even had a clue of how to mix paint and hold a brush so don’t judge too harshly haha :-)

Sugarloaf reservoir, Christmas Hills, Oz. The first painting I ever did before I even had a clue of how to mix paint and hold a brush so don’t judge too harshly haha :-)